Memorize: And the LORD appeared unto him, and said, Go not down into Egypt; dwell in the land which I shall tell thee of Genesis 26:2

Devotional Reading: Genesis 26:1-14

The way of God often times, is different from the way of man – Isaiah 55:8&9; For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

What God sees, we don’t see and what He knows, we don’t know. It is wisdom for us not to disobey such an all powerful, all knowing and all able God. We should consult Him and get His consent before making any decision.

It may have been difficult for Isaac to understand why God asked him not to leave the land, especially when there was famine in the land at the time, just as it may be difficult for you to understand why God have not allowed you make that decision which you purpose in your heart to make. Isaac did not regret obeying God, it turned out to be a great blessing for him. In the same way, if you will obey God, it will also turn out a huge blessing for you, No one obeys God and experience regret, it is impossible!

In Gensis 26:1 God used an unusual way to confound the wise, thank God Isaac obeyed, thereby he became a global testimony. If you too will follow God and obey Him implicitly, you will become known testimony in your time and generation.

I found that what made the impossible possible for Isaac with the experience he had of Harvest in the time of famine was because he obeyed God implicitly and in totality. Partial obedience is disobedience, we saw that demonstrated in the life of king Saul, it brought an end to his rule and reign as a king. God prospered Isaac so much that the Philistines began to envy him. He was blessed above reproach and above poverty, he waxed very great.

God has a part to play in our prosperity, He will never fail His part but most times we believers are the ones that fail to fulfil our part, we don’t play our part. Some do that because they are afraid or lacked faith. I pray that you will experience harvest in time of famine in Jesus name.

If you want God to establish you so much that you will become an envy to others, don’t flaunt God’s instructions at all. Don’t go where He never permit you to go. Don’t dive into a business without His go ahead, it will give you much joy not to start at all than meet failure, and end in regret.

I pray such will not be your portion in Jesus name. Because you will obey God, the blessings of obedience will locate you today in Jesus mighty name, Amen.

Prayer point: Mighty, please give me a heart of obedience in Jesus name.

Key Dose: Hearing the voice of God and obeying is great wisdom anyone can have.

Pastor James Ademuyiwa
Senior Pastor (IHPCT)

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