Memorize: One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple. Psalms 27:4

Devotional Reading: Psalms 27:1-14

Many people make new year resolutions at the beginning of a new year, not everyone keep their resolutions. It does not matter if you make new year resolution or not, what matters is starting the new year well.
Those who start the year well, have good chances of finishing well. Amongst those that are on the field and in market place striving to make it, many will do well in their various field,s and occupations making outstanding contribution to humanity while others will do far below God’s plan for their lives, the key factor is how you start the year and who is taking the lead in your journey. This is the beginning of a new year. It is often said that “How you start will largely determine how you end” I wish to encourage you to start this year well, allow God take the lead and direct your way this year, some people did it their own way last year, it brought little or no gain, don’t allow the same thing repeat itself this year. Be determined and ensure that God takes the lead for you this year. Proverbs 3:6; In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path. Don’t miss out on any great opportunity this year because you have not acknowledge God in your plans and projects. My question for you is: what would be said of you by December 31st 2020? What will you be remembered for in your generation? Will you make your life count? Will you affect lives positively, will you win souls for God, will you support the furtherance of the gospel or merely stroll this year with no tangible proof to show? That will not happen to you in Jesus name.

The good news is: it is the second day of first month in the year 2020, I want to formally welcome you to this amazing year which God has prepared for you to prosper and posses your possessions. Beyond that, I want you to make your life impactful this year. The error of last year should not repeat itself this year, you should be a better person doing better things. Your life has great potential worth and far glorious than eating, working, enjoying and sleeping, God has deposited so much inside of you that is capable of putting you on a global scale, allow God use you as a change agent this year to people around you, be a blessing by making positive impact.

I pray for you that this year your life will make meaningful count in Jesus name.

Prayer point: O God of Isaac, let my life count and be great this year in Jesus name.

Key Dose: Anything that is committed into the hands of God, cannot fail.

Pastor James Ademuyiwa
Senior Pastor (IHPCT)

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