Memorize : Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? 1 Corinthians 5:6

Devotional Reading: 1 Corinthians 5:1-13

From our devotional reading of today, It was clear to Paul that many Believers in Corinth had strayed from the purity of the Gospel. In particular, he was amazed that some actually boasted about their immoral conduct. Perhaps they thought there was no harm in allowing some sin in their lives. Similarly, in our world today, some people are proud of their sinful lives, some will even boast about how skilful they are in committing crime, doing wrong things are celebrated, honesty and justice have been sidelined, there is no truth anymore, we have been made to believe that we should do anything we need to do to have our way. God is saying NO to this philosophy of man.

The great sadness about this is that some believers and even some so called men of God have joined the ranks of those who tell lies during their ministration or when addressing the people because they thought it would make them more acceptable to unbelievers.

But Paul compared this indiscretion with leaven. It just takes a small amount to change the whole lump.
To be free, all leaven must be purged. That is how sin infects our lives. Even the most minor sin can corrupt us and rapidly infect the life of the carrier and listeners, even the smallest habit, the tiniest thought.

The Bible says we must “lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and recieve with meekness the engrafted word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves ” James 1:21.

The old leaven eventually will change us. It weakens our faith and resolve. It lowers our standards. It confuses our minds. Like a disease, it infects our minds and hearts, we become vulnerable because the shield of defence is removed in the place of sin.

Today, allow God to search you and root out all sin. Don’t boast about your sin, make His Word your standard. It can cleanse you from the leaven of the world. And, it will give you the right words to think, the correct motivation, and the context for making right decisions.

I pray that the Lord will purify and cleanse you from all leaven that could hinder you from fulfilling your purpose in life in Jesus name.

Prayer point: O LORD, rid me from every leaven, purify me with your blood and make me worthy in your sight in Jesus name. Worker, please step into my boat and turn all impossible situations in my life, to become possible in Jesus name

Key Does: Remember that our God is a miracle worker, He can do all things

Pastor James Ademuyiwa
Senior Pastor
In His Presence Christ Tabernacle

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