Memorise: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Gen. 1:1

Devotional Reading: Genesis 1:1-31

All of creation revolves around time and change, but God the creator of heaven and earth is above time, He is unchangeable “The Great I AM”
Our God lives in eternity, Nothing can change Him, that is why people call Him The Unchangeable God, while others call Him “The Great I AM”. I was young when I first heard that name, I didn’t understand it at the time, i used to think there is no person that cannot change. As I begin to grow, I found answers to that question through God’s word. He created the heaven and the earth before time began. He has time and seasons in His hands.

God created time on earth, but does not live in time. He is timeless. Science has proved that the earth is millions of years old. Genesis 1 illustrates how God created light, darkness, day, night, the sun and the moon to be the elements of time.

If Elohim created the heaven, earth, and everything therein, then what can’t He create for His children? He has been in existence before the foundations of the world. There is a lovely Yoruba worship I like, it says “Olorun to da awon oko igbani” meaning the God that created the mountains of old. The level of your growth in life is determined by how much of this great God you know and possess. If anyone desires to grow in all areas, they need to understand and know God personally. Though He is universal and available to all, God plays different roles depending on the relationship we build and establish with him. Some see Him as wicked, some see Him as merciful, while others see him as a great and mighty God who can do all things. All the above are the extension of the relationship of each individual with God.

One of the sweet things about God is that He is not a respecter of persons, if it pleases Him to lift a man on earth and time is against his lifting, He can suspend time, lift the man and play the time again and nobody can question Him. That’s the kind of God I am serving. As a child of God, don’t be limited by time, because you have a Father who can change time to suit you. I love this God so much and I hope you do love Him too?

Look at David, the least expected, nobody would ever have thought that David will be the one to kill Goliath and lead the whole nation of Israel at his age. But because it pleases God to do what men thought impossible or difficult, the most unexpected young boy became king. That is why I am praying for you that every impossibility in your life shall be made possible from today henceforth in Jesus name. This great God can change the global system just because of one person on the platform of relationship with Him, I want to encourage you, get more closer and deeper in your relationship with God! Your case is nothing before Him, it will not cost a micro-second to make your life beautiful again,

He is not controlled by the world’s time, for He is a timeless God. Praise God! I pray that you will come to know this timeless God in a new way from today

Prayer point: O thou unchanging changer, please change my life and make it beautiful again for your glory in Jesus name.

Key Dose: From eternity to eternity, God remains the same.

Pastor James Ademuyiwa
Senior Pastor (IHPCT)

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